Popunder traffic buying has been one of the major part of Online media buying, with a big online media buying industry popunder traffic media buying plays an important role. Popunder traffic is one of the most popular modes of driving big volume web traffic and traction to the web site. Although supported by traditional push marketing approach popunder traffic is still good when it comes to give a web site strategic ranking for alexa and online presence.
Client can popunder traffic targeted to any geo and frequency capping (how many times the ad should appear in 24 hrs), also with additional targeting features like contextual advertising, behavioral advertising, retargeting etc allows client to get you more targeted popunder traffic, such targeted approach also helps client to do more focused campaign management. Factors which need to be considered for media buying for popunder traffic is industry type, category of traffic buy, frequency capping, estimated volumes, geographic location and all.
Popunder Advertising (Popunder Traffic Media Buying) usually is supported by well experienced media buying teams, with approach of media buyers being more effective and dedicated efforts we usually see a lot of media optimization been done effectively. For the coming years popunder media will be one of the major buying prospects.