Contextual Popunder Advertising
Contextual Popunder advertising is done via various Adware and publisher platforms. We drive the quality targeted Traffic to your web site depeneding upon your traffic needs.
Publisher Popunder Advertising
Publisher Popunder Advertising is done through out publisher base of over 1200+ web sites, keyword targeting is done based on the site web content.
Category Popunder Advertising
We can target various categories for serving popunder ads, we have multiple categories to pick from like social networking, casino, gaming, adult etc for traffic delivery.
Run of Network Popunder Advertising
Go for the RON – Run of Network campaigns to reach the maximum exposure to potential visitors, remnant traffic is also available for RON traffic which can help you buid volumes at very decent rates.
Global Popunder Traffic
Although we can target any geo specific location (US, UK, canada etc) with popunder advertising platform, we provide huge global traffic reach.
Remnant Popunder Traffic – for Branding
Remnant unused popunder traffic is also available for cheaper prices, but we don’t gurantee any delivery commitments for this, since this traffic is only unsold left over popunder traffic, Can be a good fit for mass branding popunder camapigns.
Popunder Advertising – Features
- Upto 1/30 days unique popunder traffic
- Keyword and URL targeting options available
- 100% delivery commitments
- Can be targeted to any Geographic location
- Global Reach of over 3 million per day
- Dedicated Account Manager & Reporting support